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Congratulations to the 2018 Sabharwal Award Winner, Alice Nelson!


Alice Nelson

Early Childhood Family/Community Coordinator

Fayette County Public Schools

Stay tuned for more information about the 2019 Jean Sabharwal Award nomination process and luncheon, coming soon.

Jean Sabharwal Award Luncheon

presented by


Thursday, November 29, 2018 

Keeneland | Lexington Room

11:30 a.m - 1:00 p.m.

Join Bluegrass Families First at the 2018 Jean Sabharwal Award Luncheon

as we celebrate the 2018 award recipient.

Tickets for the celebration are available:

$60 for an individual ticket

$100 for two tickets


Registration is now closed.



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About Alice Nelson

Alice began her professional service in education as a preschool and kindergarten teacher at Fayette Cooperating Preschool. She began the kindergarten program at the co-op in the 1975-76 school year. She taught for 12 years. After spending time at home with her preschool daughters, Alice worked as a volunteer serving extensively with PTA and on school based decision making councils (SBDM). From 2001 to 2003, she was president of the District PTA for Fayette County.


Alice was a founding member of the One Community One Voice – Closing the Achievement Gap Committee, serving as chair of the parent involvement sub-committee. She also spent three years on the Fayette County School Board’s Equity Council, and served as the community leader of the Early Childhood group for the school system’s 2020 Vision initiative.



Alice worked as a culturally responsive teaching coach for the Bethune Institute and as manager of the Prichard Committee’s Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership (CIPL) before joining Fayette County Public Schools as the district’s Family/Community Liaison in 2006. In her position with FCPS, Alice worked to promote and encourage community partnerships and to help schools and parents strengthen their partnerships to support student learning. As FCPS Liaison some of her projects included the formation of the Community Partners Leadership Team, initiating the Golden Apple Awards, and managing the Academic Challenge.



Alice moved to the Early Childhood Department in 2015, continuing her work with families and community partners with a focus on Birth to 5. Currently Alice coordinates the First 5 Lex Read Talk and Play from Cradle to Kindergarten initiative, manages Born Learning Academies across the district, Chairs the Fayette County Community Early Childhood Council, and organizes the Countdown to Kindergarten program and the FCPS Early Childhood Summit.



Alice has received the National PTA Life Achievement Award, has been recognized by the Fayette County Board of Education, the County’s School Administrators Association, and the United Way of the Bluegrass for her service to education.


Alice lives in Lexington with her husband Fred. They have been married for 42 years and have two adult daughters; Callie and Emma.

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